Burley Fit Training Program

Train Just Three Days Per Week.

You can take all the right supplements, sleep well, and always eat nutritious food, but without a proper training plan, you won’t get the physique you desire. This plan is called a training plan and not a workout plan. That’s because when following this plan, you will be training with intensity and purpose, not simply ‘working out’. Most people go to the gym to just ‘work out’. They take a few photos for Instagram, do a few random exercises with little intensity, get a smoothie, and go home. But most are not doing nearly enough to make significant changes to their physique. Proper training requires focus, intensity, and a structured plan. 

The Burley Fit video training program is a mix of twenty exercises using barbells, dumbbells, and machines, and requires access to a gym. Three days of weight training per week is the perfect amount, as it gives your muscles enough time to recover between training sessions.

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